LoLaSat Spacecraft

Satellite LoLaSat (Low Latency Satellite)
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher not launched
Organisation Smart Small Satellite Systems (S4)
Institution Company
Entity type Commercial
Country Germany
Operator Center for Telematics
Partners Center for Telematics

Test satellite for broadband internet in very low Earth orbit (VLEO).


LoLaSat is a unique ESA-Artes mission aiming on developing and testing a very low latency satellite communication system in Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) at altitudes between 200km and 300km. By reducing orbit altitude, link distances are shortened, resulting in a significant decrease in required RF power and enabling low latencies of less than 10ms. This allows small satellites to deliver high data rate services effectively.

The mission involves designing and manufacturing a compact Ka-band communication payload integrated into a 3U+ CubeSat, specifically addressing the challenges of VLEO. Over a six-month operational period, LoLaSat will characterize the orbital environment and demonstrate low-latency communication with data rates of up to 100 Mbps.

Task of examining the influence of the VLEO on satellite communication in more detail. To this end, it will build a small satellite, launch it and operate it in the VLEO for several months in order to carry out various experiments. 

The start-up takes over the management of the consortium, lays out the system, builds it and will procure the rocket launch. 

The global provider of communication payloads TESAT Spacecom from Backnang near Stuttgart will design and build the satellite's innovative communication technology. 

The Center for Telematics from Würzburg - a sister company of S4 GmbH - is responsible for the necessary ground technologies and the operation of the satellite.

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Photo sources [1]
Keywords VLEO (Very Low Earth Orbit)

Last modified: 2024-08-31

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