Name | TAIFA-1 |
Spacecraft type | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 3U |
Status | No signal? (Confirmation not found as of 2023-04-20, but Jonathan McDowell has the object identified) |
Launched | 2023-04-15 |
NORAD ID | 56208 |
Deployer | EXOpod 12U/16U [Exolaunch] |
Launcher | Falcon 9 (Transporter-7) |
Organization | SayariLabs |
Institution | Company |
Entity | Commercial |
Nation (HQ) | Kenya |
Nation (AIT) | Bulgaria |
Manufacturer | AIVT by EnduroSat |
Operator | EnduroSat |
Launch brokerer | Exolaunch |
Oneliner |
First Kenyan 3U software-defined NanoSat with imager payload. |
Description |
TAIFA-1 will be loaded with hyperspectral, Earth-observation camera that will empower customers with environmental, agricultural monitoring, and land use mapping, in their mission of preventing the calamities in the region. |
Sources | [1] [2] |
Photo sources | [1] [2] [3] |
COTS subsystems |
On the same launch |
Last modified: 2024-12-15