Spacecraft name | TRSI-2 |
Form factor | PocketQube |
Units or mass | PocketQube 1p |
Mass in kg | 0.271 kg |
Status | Reentry 2024-05-31. Was operational? (Object identified in Space-Track and radio amateur reports from PA0DLO and SATNOGS) |
Launched | 2022-05-02 |
NORAD ID | 52420 |
Deployer | Albapod [Alba Orbital] |
Launcher | Electron (Alba Cluster X) |
Organization | ACME AtronOmatic (MyRadar) |
Institution | Company |
Entity type | Commercial |
Country | Germany |
Launch brokerer | Alba Orbital, Exolaunch |
Partners | TRSI |
Oneliner |
Transmit SSTV images. |
Sources | [1] |
Photo sources | [1] [2] [3] [4] |
On the same launch |
Last modified: 2024-09-29