Emergency Communication Satellite Spacecraft

Satellite Emergency Communication Satellite
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 2U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher Falcon 9, (Transporter-14)
Organization Good Ancestor Foundation
Institution Non-profit
Entity Government (Civil / Military)
Nation US
Manufacturer AIVT by ?
Operator ?

An emergency satellite to transmit information to regular cell phones on response intervention.


Humanitarian low-cost open source satellite based communication system. In collaboration with Good Ancestors (US), build and launch an emergency satellite to transmit information to regular cell phones on response interventions for a catastrophe that disables comms infrastructure (~$300k). In a scenario such as widespread nuclear EMPs, this technology could be fundamental for distributing information on how to provide basic food and water needs to the population.

Good news, we have already built the first 2u test satellite, and paid for the launch, that came in at about $230k (hardware and launch). Obviously there's a lot of free/unaccounted labor in there, and some choices that we would not make on the production units, which would be more in the $500k range most ideally. These have LoRA radios, SDR, VHF, etc

Sources [1] [2]

Last modified: 2024-12-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
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