CXPD Spacecraft

Spacecraft name CXPD (Cosmic X-ray Polarization Detection)
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Status Operational (Official news on 2023-06-16)
Launched 2023-06-07
Deployer ?
Launcher Lijian-1
Organization Guangxi University
Institution University
Entity Commercial
Country China
Operator In-house?

Test the low energy polarization detector prototype for the POLAR-2 gamma ray polarimeter.


Test the low energy polarization detector prototype for the POLAR-2 gamma ray polarimeter.

The CXPD cube star aims to use its X-ray polarization detector to detect high-energy X-ray clusters in the universe, providing important information for revealing and understanding the magnetic field structure and radiation mechanism of dense objects (black holes and neutron stars) and high-energy burst phenomena in the universe. Observational data create opportunities for carrying out relevant astrophysics theoretical research.

As a very challenging scientific mission,  CXPD CubeSats not only require the detector to have extremely high sensitivity and resolution, but also require high-speed readout of the detector, highly integrated hardware, and complete on-orbit capabilities in a limited space. Run logic. The relevant research team of our institute has carried out in-depth research work in this aspect, and the relevant results were published in the journal "Nuclear Science and Techniques" on May 9 under the title "Electronics system for the cosmic X-ray polarization detector". Doctoral student Wang Hui is the first author of the paper, his supervisor Associate Professor Wang Dong is the corresponding author, and Central China Normal University is the first completion unit.

The CXPD cooperation group was officially established in October 2020. Guangxi University is the leading unit. Professor Sun Xiangming of our college led the team to participate and made outstanding contributions in pixel chips and electronics.  The success of this launch marks that the CXPD cooperation team has reached a new stage after many years of research and development, laying a solid foundation for the smooth development of future space science missions (such as the low-energy detector of the China Space Station Gamma Burst Polarization Detector).  At the same time, it also solidifies the basis for cooperation and a research platform for our institute’s high-energy astrophysics research team to participate in scientific research on related detectors and achieve original results.


NB! The size of the satellite needs further verification. The photos look like a payload, not a CubeSat.

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Photo sources [1] [2]

Last modified: 2023-11-05

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