Spacecraft name | RFTSat 1 (Radio Frequency Tag Satellite, NNUSat-2) |
Type | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 3U |
Status | Reentry 2023-06-21. Was operational? (No public news found post-launch last checked on 2019-09-25) |
Launched | 2019-07-25 |
NORAD ID | 44417 |
Deployer | Slingshot / Equalizer [SEOPS] |
Launcher | Falcon 9 (CRS-18) |
Deployment | Deployed from Cygnus on 2019-08-07 |
Entity name | Northwest Nazarene University |
Institution | University |
Entity | Academic / Education |
Headquarters | US |
Oneliner |
Collect space weather data wirelessly from an energy harvesting RF tag. |
Description |
Collect space weather data wirelessly from an energy harvesting RF tag. Demonstrate data collection with different distances between the reader and tag. Provide sustained data throughout the satellite’s life RFTSat subsystems will be built primarily using commercial off the shelf (COTS) components. Test a system for deploying small, wireless sensor tags from the spacecraft that harvest RF energy and communicate with the spacecraft using a backscatter radio. |
Sources | [1] [2] [3] [4] |
Photo sources | [1] [2] |
On the same launch |
Last modified: 2023-12-13