RACE (ESA) Satellites

Name RACE (Rendezvous Autonomous CubeSats Experiment)
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 6U
Entity name ESA (European Space Agency)
Institution Space agency
Entity Government (Civil / Military)
Nation (HQ) France
Nation (AIT) Denmark
Manufacturer AIVT by GomSpace
Partners GomSpace, GMV, Almatech, Micos
Costs $450,000 for the first phase A of two CubeSats for the larger consortium

CubeSat rendezvous & docking.


CubeSat rendezvous & docking. Target close fly-around. 6 DoF propulsion, RelNav sensors (vis, GNSS), autonomous GNC, docking mechanism. RACE will act as an in-orbit testbed for advanced guidance, navigation and control software and autonomous system behaviour.

Sources [1] [2] [3]
Photo sources [1]
Keywords Propulsion, Formation flying, Docking

Related Spacecraft

Name Status Rocket Launch date Orbit
RACE 1 (Rendezvous Autonomous CubeSats Experiment) not launched not launched 2024-12-31 not launched
RACE 2 (Rendezvous Autonomous CubeSats Experiment) not launched not launched 2024-12-31 not launched

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

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