ERMINAZ-1V Spacecraft

Satellite name ERMINAZ-1V
Form factor PocketQube
Units or mass PocketQube 1p
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher RFA One
Organization AMSAT-Germany
Institution Non-profit
Entity type Academic / Education
Country Germany

ERMINAZ-1U & ERMINAZ-1V will transmit telemetry, images, provide a digipeat/store/forward functionally to all radio amateurs worldwide.


The proposed ERMINAZ mission is a syndicated multi-PocketQube mission with a total of 7 PQs under the leadership of AMSAT-Germany, which also holds the launch contract with RFA under DLR support.

The project is in collaboration between AMSAT-DL, AMSAT-EA (Spain), ESERO-Germany (Bochum Observatory) and Libre Space Foundation (Greece). The mission is to promote, advance and develop knowledge about space and amateur radio.

ERMINAZ-1U & ERMINAZ-1V will transmit telemetry, images, provide a digipeat/store/forward functionally to all radio amateurs worldwide. ERMINAZ-1U will operate in the UHF amateur satellite band, while ERMINAZ-1V will operate in the VHF amateur satellite band.

Only non-proprietary, open source and documented protocols, accessible to radio amateurs, will be used. This includes CCSDS telemetry, CW beacon, SSDV images, digipeater, AX.25 und possibly other modes. Telemetry and sensor data from radiation sensor and triaxial accelerometer / gyroscope / magnetometer will allow any radio amateur to participate by extending his knowledge about space.

In addition, a digipeater and store & forward function will allow licensed radio amateurs to use ERMINAZ-1U/1V as a relay to communicate with other radio amateurs worldwide. The mission will conduct several experiments with different types of modulations, bandwidths, data rates and framing schemes: GFSK with data rate from 9600 up to 19200 GFSK with data rate from 9600 up to 19200 bits/s GMSK with data rate from 9600 up to 19200 bits/s BPSK with data rate from 9600 up to 19200 bits/s QPSK data rate from 19200 up to 38400 bits/s Frames will using three different framing schemes configurable upon the mission requirements: CSDS (residual or suppressed carrier) or IEEE 802.15.4 (preamble, sync) or AX.25. 

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Last modified: 2024-12-28

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Created by Erik Kulu


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