WVSAT A Spacecraft

Satellite WVSAT A
Spacecraft type ThinSat
Units or mass ThinSat 1x2T+3x1T
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher not launched
Entity name NearSpace Launch
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Nation US
Manufacturer AIVT by NearSpace Launch
Operator NearSpace Launch

Deploy small satellites with two form factors, to test ground station radar tracking, and demonstrate rapid turnaround and deployment of these satellites.


The experiment will use a total of 4 satellite, 2 ThinSats and 2 1U CubeSats, launched as a secondary payload aboard NG16, from the mid - Atlantic Regional Spaceport. The satellites will be inserted into Low Earth Orbit ( LEO), at 260 km apogee and 180 km perigee.

They are deployed from a single Canisterized Satellite D ispenser (CSD) mounted on the Antares second stage of the launch vehicle. The ThinSats unfold accordion style as they exit the CSD; the two CubeSats are separate from the ThinSats. Transmission will begin upon deployment, and cease when de-orbiting occurs.

Each ThinSat spacecraft is comprised of multiple ThinSat units. Each spacecraft will carry the following subsystems. Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) Subsystem: Navigation sensors consist of the VEML3328 Single Pixel IR Horizon sensor on each unit, a Grid IR 8x8 Pixel Sensor, a High Quality 32x24 Pixel, Infrared sensor, and a GPS unit.

Each module in each spacecraft, will contain one EyeStar-S3F transmitter, transmitting to the Globalstar constellation; an S3F antenna; and VEML3328 single pixel IR horizon sensor associated with the transmission enable logic.


Initially planned to launched on Spaceflight Sherpa on Transporter-3?

Sources [1] [2] [3]
Photo sources [1]
COTS subsystems
  • PLATFORM - NearSpace Launch
  • TRANSCEIVER - NearSpace Launch Globalstar
Keywords Globalstar or Iridium or Inmarsat

Last modified: 2024-12-28

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Created by Erik Kulu

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