Platform-10 Satellite

Spacecraft name Platform-10
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 12U
Status not launched, expected in 2024
Launcher Isar Spectrum
Organisation EnduroSat
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Country Bulgaria
Manufacturer AIVT by EnduroSat

Precursor for an end-to-end space traffic management (STM) solution for increased spacecraft safety.


Partnering with Neuraspace and Ienai Space for Europe’s first orbital demonstration of a collision avoidance system based on artificial intelligence (AI).

The mission will serve as a precursor for an end-to-end space traffic management (STM) solution for increased spacecraft safety. The STM will provide spacecraft operators with better space traffic data, collision detection algorithms, and more efficient propulsion systems.

The satellite, built by EnduroSat, will be launched aboard an Isar Aerospace rocket (ISAR 2). Once in orbit, it will be maneuvered by Ienai’s ‘Athena’ thrusters. The thrusters will respond to both simulated and real collision warnings and manoeuvring suggestions. The warnings and suggestions will be generated by Neuraspace’s AI/ML (machine learning) driven STM solution.

Sources [1] [2] [3]
COTS subsystems
  • PLATFORM - EnduroSat
  • THRUSTER - Ienai
Subsystems sources [1]
Keywords Propulsion

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu


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