PEASS Spacecraft

Spacecraft PEASSS (PiezoElectric Assisted Smart Satellite Structure)
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status Reentry 2023-12-01. Was operational? (Final report to European Commission on 2018-09-03 states all new developed system components are operational. No news found for the last 5 years as of 2023-06-09)
Launched 2017-02-15
NORAD ID 42015
Deployer QuadPack (XL) [ISISpace]
Launcher PSLV
Organization ISISpace
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Country Netherlands
Manufacturer AIVT by ISISpace
Operator ISISpace
Launch brokerer ISILaunch
Partners TNO, NSL Satellites, Israel Institute of Technology, SONACA, Active Space Technologies

Demonstrate piezo actuated panels for power generation and instrument pointing.


EU FP7 project to develop, manufacture, test and qualify “smart structures” which combine composite panels, piezoelectric materials, and next generation sensors, for autonomously improved pointing accuracy and power generation in space.

Smart structures will enable fine angle control, thermal and vibration compensation, improving all types of future Earth observations, such as environmental and planetary mapping, border and regional imaging.

Develop and test the following smart structures: piezo actuated “smart panels” for pointing of optical instruments/sensors; piezo actuated “smart panels” for power harvesting; fiber bragg gratings for composite structure strain and temperature measurement; next generation of power conditioners for future applications in space missions.

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Photo sources [1] [2]
COTS subsystems
On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-05-28

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Created by Erik Kulu


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