Edison Spacecraft

Satellite Edison-1 (Edison, Space Inventor Pioneer Cubesat)
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 8U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher Falcon 9, (Transporter-12)
Entity name Space Inventor
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Nation Denmark
Manufacturer AIVT by Space Inventor
Operator Space Inventor
Partners Neumann Space, ION-X, Infinite Orbits
Costs $0.96M million for spacecraft, launch and operation.

Satellite with hosted payload and demonstrate laser communication system and flexible solar panel.


Containing our newly developed laser communication system as well as our flexible solar panel, which allows several meters of solar array to be deployed from a small satellite. This mission will serve both as an in-orbit demonstration as well as a payload hosting platform for paying customers.

In addition to the purpose of validating our platform and mission design, the satellite will also fly a number of new systems for in-orbit demenstration, such as our laser satcom module, which we are currently developing through the ESA ARTES ScyLight Program.

ION-X will be flying next year with Space Inventor and Infinite Orbits on-board the EDISON mission, as part of the Pioneer European Space Agency - ESA program. With a launch expected in the second half of 2024 and beyond the demonstration of ION-X propulsion system performances, the common ambition is to contribute to the development of an autonomous debris avoidance system, coupling Infinite Orbits navigation system with ION-X maneuverability solution.

The EDISON mission, set to launch aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 in November 2024, will showcase the spaceworthiness of cutting-edge space technologies developed by Australian Neumann Space Pty Ltd, French ION-X, and French Infinite Orbits SAS. Funded by ESA under the innovative Pioneer program, this mission aims to evaluate and support qualified providers of pioneering space-based services.


Previously the size was marked as 6U.

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Photo sources [1] [2] [3]
COTS subsystems
  • PLATFORM - Space Inventor
  • PROPULSION - Neumann Space
Keywords Laser transmitter, Propulsion

Last modified: 2025-01-13

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Created by Erik Kulu

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