Name | DIME (Double-probe Instrumentation for Measuring Electric-fields) |
Spacecraft type | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 1.5U |
Status | cancelled |
Organisation | Orion Space Solutions (ASTRA, Atmosphericc & Space Technology Research Associates) |
Institution | Company |
Entity type | Commercial |
Country | US |
Manufacturer | AIVT by Orion Space Solutions |
Operator | Orion Space Solutions |
Partners | Utah State University |
Oneliner |
Monitoring electric fields in LEO for space weather monitoring. |
Description |
Monitoring electric fields in Low-Earth Orbit. Addresses the need for an inexpensive and robust space-weather monitor that meets requirements for specification and forecasting. DIME will provide the first-ever capability for measuring electric fields and monitoring critical space-weather effects on the ionosphere from a CubeSat. Two Langmuir probes to measure in-situ ionospheric plasma densities. Science and attitude magnetometers. Four electric field probes on 3.5-meter cable booms. |
Notes |
Spin to 1.5 Hz. Orion Space Solutions (ASTRA, Atmosphericc & Space Technology Research Associates). |
Sources | [1] |
Keywords | Fast spin-up |
Last modified: 2023-06-08