Spacecraft | Diamond 6U (Sky and Space Global) |
Spacecraft type | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 6U |
Entity name | Sky and Space |
Institution | Company |
Entity | Commercial |
Nation (HQ) | UK |
Nation (AIT) | Denmark |
Manufacturer | AIVT by GomSpace |
Operator | Sky and Space Global |
Costs | $5,950,000 is the order value for the first batch of 8 CubeSats Single platform: $745,000 |
Oneliner |
Constellation for voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services. |
Description |
Voice, M2M and IoT communicaftion services. Goal is to provide affordable communication services for ANYONE, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. S-band CSL (Customer to Satellite Link) and ISL (Inter Satellite Link |
Sources | [1] |
Photo sources | [1] |
COTS subsystems |
Keywords | Propulsion, Steerable Solar Arrays |
Related Spacecraft
Last modified: 2023-06-03