D2/AtlaCom-1 Spacecraft

Spacecraft D2/AtlaCom-1
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 6U
Status Reentry 2024-09-01. Was operational (Official news)
Launched 2021-06-30
NORAD ID 48922
Deployer EXOpod 12U/16U [Exolaunch]
Launcher Falcon 9 (Transporter-2)
Entity name Mexican Space Agency
Institution Space agency
Entity type Government (Civil / Military)
Nation (HQ) Mexico
Nation (AIT) Lithuania
Manufacturer AIVT by NanoAvionics
Operator NanoAvionics
Partners Space JLTZ, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, The Polytechnic University of Atlacomulco, Dragonfly Aerospace, “HyperActive” consortium, Accion Systems

Rideshare mission of a consortium called “HyperActive”, and an electric propulsion demonstration by Accion Systems.


D2 / Atlacom-1”, is a rideshare mission comprising an international consortium and its partners called “HyperActive”, and an electric propulsion demonstration by Accion Systems. Among payloads are the world’s first 1U-sized hyperspectral imager to be ever flown, a new 1U Tiled Ionic Liquid Electrospray (TILE) propulsion system, a new high-gain X-band antenna, and an upgraded X-Band downlink transmitter.

Allow youth to train in the capture, analysis and processing of satellite images, while the first pilot program of its kind in the history of the country will be carried out, to boost agricultural productivity.

Demonstrate the performance of Dragonfly’s miniature hyperspectral imager plus a high-gain X-band antenna and upgraded X-band downlink transmitter from CubeCom of South Africa.

A secondary goal of the HyperActive mission is to gauge commercial market demand for hyperspectral data processed and distributed globally by Space JLTZ of Mexico.

Brent Abbott, NanoAvionics US CEO, told SpaceNew he was eager to fly Dragonfly’s half-kilogram Mantis imager once he learned of its unique features. Through software, Mantis can obtain imagery with various combinations of 148 spectral bands.

For the HyperActive mission, Mexican startup Space JLTZ Mexico will apply machine-learning algorithms to make the data more useful for daily observations.

For the HyperActive mission, NanoAvionics will supply its M6P six-unit cubesat, integrate payloads, conduct testing, handle spacecraft registration, logistics and frequency allocation, and oversee on-orbit payload operations.


Sold to undisclosed customer while in orbit.

Sources [1] [2] [3] [4]
Photo sources [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
COTS subsystems
  • PLATFORM - NanoAvionics
  • THRUSTER - Accion
  • IMAGER - Dragonfly Aerospace Mantis
Subsystems sources [1] [2] [3]
Keywords Propulsion
On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-09-29

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