Spacecraft | CubeBug-1 (Capitán Beto) |
Form factor | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 2U |
Status | Was operational until 2013-12-XX? (Online reports end there) |
Launched | 2013-04-26 |
NORAD ID | 39153 |
Deployer | ISIPOD [ISISpace] |
Launcher | Long March 2D |
Entity name | Satellogic |
Institution | Company |
Entity | Commercial |
Nation | Argentina |
Launch brokerer | ISILaunch |
Partners | Argentinian Ministry of Science, INVAP, Radio Club Bariloche. |
Oneliner |
Demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies including reaction wheels and star tracker. |
Description |
Open Nano-Satellite platform, first technology demonstration satellite. An ARM based on-board computer, a nano-reaction wheel with its driver circuit and a low resolution camera to image stars, all based on COTS components. |
Sources | [1] |
Photo sources | [1] |
Keywords | First CubeSat of country |
On the same launch |
Last modified: 2024-05-28