BEESAT 10-13 Spacecraft

BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT 10-13
BEESAT 10-13
Satellite BEESAT 10-13
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 0.25U
Organisation Technical University of Berlin
Institution University
Entity type Academic / Education
Headquarters Germany

Pi­co­satel­lite swarm mis­sion of 0.25U CubeSats.


Pi­co­satel­lite swarm mis­sion is de­vel­oped con­sist­ing of the four quar­ter-unit CubeSats BEESAT-5 to BEESAT-8 with a mass of 330 grams each. The pi­co­satel­lites were de­signed ful­ly re­dun­dant and al­most com­plete sin­gle-fault tol­er­ant.

The flight re­sults and the ver­i­fied com­po­nents will be used for fu­ture na­no­satel­lite for­ma­tion and swarm mis­sions of TU Berlin. Demon­strate a new­ly de­vel­oped com­mu­ni­ca­tions sub­sys­tem in the UHF band and an ex­per­i­men­tal GNSS re­ceiv­er. Fur­ther­more, the satel­lites contain a mul­ti­func­tion op­ti­cal at­ti­tude de­ter­mi­na­tion sen­sor and are equipped with cor­ner cube re­flec­tors on all sides for laser rang­ing from ground.

Sources [1] [2] [3]
Photo sources [1] [2] [3]

Related Spacecraft

Name Status Launcher Launch Orbit
BEESAT-10 (TUBSAT-18, PiNaSys II) Operational? (Website says in operation and tweet by Jonathan McDowell, but objects not publicly identified and frequency coordination was declined. No SatNOGS reports with data as of 2023-06-11) Sojuz 2019-07-05 530 km, 97.5 deg
BEESAT-11 (TUBSAT-19, PiNaSys II) Operational? (Website says in operation and tweet by Jonathan McDowell, but objects not publicly identified and frequency coordination was declined. No SatNOGS reports with data as of 2023-06-11) Sojuz 2019-07-05 530 km, 97.5 deg
BEESAT-12 (TUBSAT-20, PiNaSys II) Operational? (Website says in operation and tweet by Jonathan McDowell, but objects not publicly identified and frequency coordination was declined. No SatNOGS reports with data as of 2023-06-11) Sojuz 2019-07-05 530 km, 97.5 deg
BEESAT-13 (TUBSAT-21, PiNaSys II) Operational (Website says in operation and tweet by Jonathan McDowell, but objects not publicly identified and frequency coordination was declined. Last SatNOGS report with data 2023-06-10 as of 2023-06-11) Sojuz 2019-07-05 530 km, 97.5 deg
BEESAT-5 Reentry 2024-06-16. Was operational (Official confirmation on Twitter on 2021-03-23) Sojuz 2021-03-22 550 km, 97.6 deg
BEESAT-6 Reentry 2024-07-14. Was operational (Official confirmation on Twitter on 2021-03-23) Sojuz 2021-03-22 550 km, 97.6 deg
BEESAT-7 Reentry 2024-08-06. Was operational (Official confirmation on Twitter on 2021-03-23) Sojuz 2021-03-22 550 km, 97.6 deg
BEESAT-8 Operational (Official confirmation on Twitter on 2021-03-23) Sojuz 2021-03-22 550 km, 97.6 deg

Last modified: 2024-09-29

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Created by Erik Kulu


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