UCAnFly Spacecraft

Spacecraft UCAnFly
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher not launched
Entity name University of Cadiz
Institution University
Entity type Academic / Education
Headquarters Spain
Launch brokerer ESA Education Office

Measure magnetic fields with low noise using shielded magnetoresistive sensors to test emerging technologies for space-based gravitational wave detectors


Explore the feasibility of novel magnetic measurement systems for space missions requiring tiny sensors and long-integration time, such as space-borne gravitational wave detectors mainly based on laser interferometry, but also in cold-atom precision interferometry. Space observatories for gravitational waves, such as LISA, are equipped with dedicated on-board instrumentation capable of measuring magnetic fields with low-noise conditions at millihertz frequencies.

The reason behind this is that the core scientific payload only works if the magnetic environment meets certain strict low-frequency requirements. For this purpose, a compact payload able to achieve the demanding low-frequency magnetic requirements for LISA will be developed for a 1U-CubeSat, which will make it possible to improve the technology readiness level (TRL) of the instrument. Thus, the UCAnFly CubeSat will allow the in-flight low-frequency noise characterization of the system and make it possible to measure the capability of the instrument under harsh space environment.

The main aim of the UCAnFly mission is to explore the feasibility of novel magnetic measurement designs for space missions requiring tiny sensors and long-integration time. For this purpose, a compact payload able to achieve demanding low-frequency magnetic requirements will be developed for a 1U-CubeSat, which will make it possible to improve the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the instrument as well as allow the in-flight low-frequency noise characterization of the system under the CubeSat environment.

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Last modified: 2024-08-29

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