Name | TUBSAT-N |
Spacecraft type | Nanosatellite |
Units or mass | 8.5 kg |
Status | Reentry 2002-04-22. Was operational until 2000-XX-XX. More than two years of operation. |
Launched | 1998-07-07 |
NORAD ID | 25389 |
Deployer | Custom |
Launcher | Shtil |
Entity name | Technical University of Berlin |
Institution | University |
Entity | Academic / Education |
Headquarters | Germany |
Launch brokerer | Unknown |
Partners | DLR (German Aerospace Centre) |
Oneliner |
Store and forward communication. |
Description |
Demonstration of low-cost access to space without performance reduction. Bidirectional data transfer between autonomous environmental stations and the satellite. Tracking of medium-sized and large mammals. The main payload are two communication transceivers for store and forward communication with a baud-rate of 1200 and 2400 baud. Reaction wheel performance. Store and forward communication. |
Sources | [1] [2] |
Photo sources | [1] |
On the same launch |
Last modified: 2023-06-03