TechEdSat-15 Spacecraft

Spacecraft TechEdSat-15 (TES-15)
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status Reentry 2022-10-05? 5 days due to lower than planned orbit. Was operational (CDW 2023 presentation)
Launched 2022-10-01
NORAD ID ? (Objects not identified due to low orbit?)
Deployer Firefly 3U {Firely]
Launcher Firefly Alpha
Organisation NASA Ames Research Center
Institution Space agency
Entity type Government (Civil / Military)
Country US

TechEdSat-15’s primary experiment is a version of an exo-brake intended to survive much higher temperature environments.


TechEdSat-15’s primary experiment is a version of an exo-brake intended to survive much higher temperature environments – several hundred degrees – than in previous flights. It will demonstrate the next step forward in nanosatellites’ ability to target an Earth entry point.

The exo-brake is a device that applies drag in Earth’s exosphere – the uppermost reaches of the atmosphere – to slow the speed of a satellite’s descent and change its direction. 

TechEdSat-15’s experiment uses improved materials for higher-temperature environments, including exo-brake material and a simple ablator on the nosecap. This is intended to allow the nanosatellite to survive deeper in the atmosphere before burning up than previous tests. This experiment will help to validate the higher heating rates, flight dynamics, and pave the way for future hypersonic and sample-return experiments.

Another experiment on TechEdSat-15 includes the Beacon And Memory Board Interface (BAMBI), which optimizes internal and external data transfer from the nanosatellite.

The TechEdSat-NOW series has multiple research goals including using the exo-brake to de-orbit high-altitude nanosatellites at end of mission to reduce issues related to orbital debris. Additionally, drag modulation has uses for sample return from low-Earth orbit as well as tailoring orbits during aero-pass maneuvers for future planetary applications.

The TechEdSat-15 project is managed by Ames and funded by the Ames Engineering Directorate. TechEdSat-15 partners include San Jose State University.

Deploy an articulated exo-brake to test deorbit targeting through drag modulation. Other experiments include the Beacon And Memory Board Interface (BAMBI), which optimizes internal and external data transfer from the nano-sat.


Successful test of new flight software and data collection systems.

Failure cause Lower than planned orbit resulting in only 4-5 day orbital lifetime.
Sources [1] [2] [3] [4]
Photo sources [1] [2]
Keywords License Plate Identification Tag, Tracking Enhancement Device
On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-12-15

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