Tanyusha-YuZGU Spacecraft

Satellite Tanyusha-YuZGU
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Entity name Southwestern State University
Institution University
Entity type Academic / Education
Country Russia

Achieve autonomous grouping of satellites in space and measure density of vacuum.

Sources [1] [2] [3] [4]
Photo sources [1]

Related Spacecraft

Spacecraft Status Launcher Date Orbit
Tanyusha-YuZGU 1 (Radioskaf RS-6, Tanyusha-SWSU 1, Tanusha-SWSU 1 Tanusha 1, RS-6S) Reentry 2019-07-30. Was operational until 2017-08-22, 5 days? (Last report found from JA1GDE 2017-08-22) Sojuz 2017-06-14 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS
Tanyusha-YuZGU 2 (Radioskaf RS-7, Tanyusha-SWSU 2, Tanusha-SWSU 2, Tanusha 2) Reentry 2019-09-08. Was operational until 2017-08-20, 3 days? (Last report from DK3WN 2017-08-20) Sojuz 2017-06-14 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS
Tanyusha-YuZGU 3 (Radioskaf RS-8, Tanyusha-SWSU 3, Tanusha 3, Tanusha-SWSU 4) Reentry 2020-12-09. Was operational? (Last SatNOGS report 2019-04-29, but no data. Twitter and DK3WN reports stop in October 2018) Sojuz-2-1a 2018-02-13 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS
Tanyusha-YuZGU 4 (Radioskaf RS-9, Tanyusha-SWSU 4, Tanusha 4, Tanusha-SWSU 4) Reentry 2020-12-09. Was operational? (Last SatNOGS report 2019-04-29, but no data. Twitter and DK3WN reports stop in October 2018) Sojuz-2-1a 2018-02-13 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS
SWSU-55 No. 1 & R-390 (SWSU-55 No. 5, YuZGU 55 5, Radioskaf RS-10, SWSU-55 №1, R-390, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS10S, YUZGU 5, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π) Reentry 2023-01-31? Was operational (Deployed from ISS on 2022-07-21 and confirmation on SpacePI website as of 2022-12-26) Sojuz-2-1a 2022-02-15 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS
SWSU-55 No. 2 (YUZGU No. 6, YuZGU 55 6, Radioskaf RS-11, SWSU-55 №2, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS11S, YUZGU 6, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π) Reentry 2023-01-31? Was operational (Deployed from ISS on 2022-07-21 and confirmation on SpacePI website as of 2022-12-26) Sojuz-2-1a 2022-02-15 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS
SWSU-55 No. 3 (YUZGU No. 7, YuZGU 55 7. Radioskaf RS-12, SWSU-55 №3, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS1S, YUZGU 7, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π) Reentry 2023-01-31? Was operational (Deployed from ISS on 2022-07-21 and confirmation on SpacePI website as of 2022-12-26) Sojuz-2-1a 2022-02-15 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS
SWSU-55 No. 4 (YUZGU No. 8, YuZGU 55 9, Radioskaf RS-13, SWSU-55 №4, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS2S, YUZGU 8, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π) Reentry 2023-01-27? Was operational (Deployed from ISS on 2022-07-21 and confirmation on SpacePI website as of 2022-12-26) Sojuz-2-1a 2022-02-15 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS
SWSU-55 No. 5 (YUZGU No. 9, YuZGU 55 9, (Radioskaf RS-14 SWSU-55 №5, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS3S, YUZGU 9, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π) Reentry 2023-01-31? Was operational (Deployed from ISS on 2022-07-21 and confirmation on SpacePI website as of 2022-12-26) Sojuz-2-1a 2022-02-15 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS
SWSU-55 No. 6 (SWSU No. 10, YuZGU 55 10, Radioskaf RS-15, SWSU-55 №6, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS4S, YUZGU 10, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π) Reentry 2023-01-31? Was operational (Deployed from ISS on 2022-07-21 and confirmation on SpacePI website as of 2022-12-26) Sojuz-2-1a 2022-02-15 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS
SWSU-55 No. 7 (SWSU No. 11, YuZGU 55 11, Radioskaf RS-15, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS5S, YUZGU 11, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π) Reentry 2023-01-31? Was operational (Deployed from ISS on 2022-07-21 and confirmation on SpacePI website as of 2022-12-26) Sojuz-2-1a 2022-06-03 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS
SWSU-55 No. 8 (SWSU No. 12, YuZGU 55 12, Radioskaf RS-15, Tanyusha-SWSU, Tanusha-SWSU, RS6S, YUZGU 12, SWGU-55, Space-PI, Space π) Reentry 2023-01-31? Was operational (Deployed from ISS on 2022-07-21 and confirmation on SpacePI website as of 2022-12-26) Sojuz-2-1a 2022-06-03 400 km, 51.6 deg, ISS

Last modified: 2024-12-15

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Created by Erik Kulu

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