Satellite name | SilkRoad-1 01 (Silk Road, Silu 1) |
Spacecraft type | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 3U |
Status | Reentry 2019-04-11. Was operational? (No recent public news) |
Launched | 2017-04-20 |
NORAD ID | 42903 |
Deployer | Unknown |
Launcher | Long March 7 |
Deployment | Deployed from Tianzhou on 2017-08-01 |
Organization | Xi'an Institute of Surveying and Mapping |
Institution | Institute |
Entity type | Government (Civil / Military) |
Country | China |
Launch brokerer | Unknown |
Partners | Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Oneliner |
Pathfinder for a constellation of around 30 satellites operating across a variety of wavelengths. |
Notes |
Deployed from Tianzhou 1 cargo spacecraft on 2017-08-01. |
Sources | [1] [2] |
Last modified: 2023-06-03