QubeSat Spacecraft

Spacecraft name QubeSat
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 2U
Status Launch failure
Launched 2022-02-10
NORAD ID Launch failure
Deployer ?
Launcher Astra Rocket (ELaNa 41)
Organisation University of California, Berkeley
Institution University
Entity Academic / Education
Country US
Launch brokerer NASA CSLI / ELaNa

Test and characterize the effects of space on quantum gyroscopes based on nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond.


Technology demonstration mission that will test and characterize the effects of space on quantum gyroscopes based on nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. This sensor can be made very small while remaining accurate and can be scaled down to a much smaller form factor. It will increase the attitude determination accuracy of small spacecraft and allow it to maintain its accuracy in a high radiation environment.

The overall goal is to research the effects of space environment on a quantum gyroscope based on NV– centers in diamond. NV– centers in diamond can be used to create gyroscopes, magnetometers, and other sensors. These sensors could support better attitude determination systems for cubesats, including Amateur cubesats.

QubeSat will allow members of the student group to engage in satellite operations and learn about satellite communication through design and operation of radio systems.

This mission also aims to grow the community around the OpenLST transceiver, an open-source radio design proven in use by Planet Labs, which is also planned to be flown by several other university CubeSat projects. The OpenLST uses the TI CC1101 packet structure, supported by the accompanying OpenLST software. This packet format can be decoded by anyone since it is well documented, so it could be useful to the amateur satellite community. The decoding method will be available on our website.

QubeSat will grow the community by collaborating with other CubeSat projects planning to use the OpenLST, as well as by providing additional documentation based on our experience. 


Launched on the failed Astra LV 0008. Quantum Gyro payload was dead on delivery. Team rated only 5% chance of success, but 5% in space is better than 0% from the ground.

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Photo sources [1] [2] [3] [4]
On the same launch

Last modified: 2023-06-09

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