PULSE-A Satellite

Name PULSE-A (Polarization modUlated Laser Satellite Experiment)
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 2U
Status not launched, expected in 2026
Launcher not launched
Entity name University of Chicago
Institution University
Entity Academic / Education
Country US

Demonstrate a way to increase the speed of space-to-ground communications.


Demonstrate a way to increase the speed of space-to-ground communications. PULSE-A also aims to make space-to-ground operations more difficult to intercept and jam through an on-orbit tech demonstration. PULSE-A will use 10 Mbps polarization-keyed laser communications instead of radio frequency for a space to Earth call. Free-space optical communications improves on power, bandwidth, and effective data transfer rates over radio frequency.

Sources [1] [2] [3]
Photo sources [1] [2]
Keywords Laser transmitter

Last modified: 2024-05-30

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Created by Erik Kulu

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