Pleiades - Cerberus Spacecraft

Spacecraft name Pleiades - Cerberus
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher not launched
Entity name Cal Poly Pomona (Bronco Space)
Institution University
Entity type Academic / Education
Country US

Establish a space-based laboratory platform and offer flight heritage for a variety of affordable, open-source hardware components.


The Pleiades-Cerberus Orbiting Laboratory aims to fulfill two significant objectives in the realm of space exploration and education.

The primary mission is to establish a unique, space-based laboratory platform. This initiative allows students and radio amateurs across the globe to actively engage with and gain practical insights into the space environment. By doing so, the project not only enhances educational opportunities but also provides invaluable hands-on experience in a space science mission.

The Pleiades-Cerberus Orbiting Laboratory second goal is to offer flight heritage for a variety of affordable, open-source hardware components. This is a critical step towards the advancement of future educational and amateur satellites. These goals not only promote practical learning and innovation in satellite technology but also inspire students and enthusiasts worldwide to explore the potentials of radio communications and satellite development. In essence, the mission serves as a beacon, inviting participation and sparking new ideas in the field of amateur space exploration.

The Pleiades-Cerberus mission represents a significant advancement for the global amateur satellite community, offering open access to a satellite in Low Earth Orbit. This satellite, equipped with various sensors and scientific instruments, is accessible to students and radio amateurs through up-and-down links in the amateur bands. Users can uplink commands, enabling functions such as instant sensor data readouts and an "echo" feature that rebroadcasts the uplinked packet as a downlink packet.

The mission enhances user interaction by alternating between Long Range (LoRa) and Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK) communication modes. This approach caters to a wider range of users with different technical capabilities. Additionally, the mission repeater mode will enable monthly competitions for the amateur radio community where those who have the top three strongest signals received will be rewarded with a commemorative sticker, fostering a sense of community and achievement.

Sources [1]
Keywords Open-source

Last modified: 2024-05-31

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Created by Erik Kulu


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