PhoneSat 2.0a Satellite

PhoneSat 2.0a
Spacecraft PhoneSat 2.0a (Alexander)
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Status Reentry 2013-04-27. Was operational.
Launched 2013-04-21
NORAD ID 39144
Deployer ISIPOD [ISISpace]
Launcher Antares
Organization NASA Ames Research Center
Institution Space agency
Entity type Government (Civil / Military)
Country US
Launch brokerer Spaceflight

Off-the-shelf commercial smartphone as the control system for the satellite and other technology demonstrations.


Alexander's mission includes charging its batteries, turning on its systems, and sending sensor data. Mission controllers may try to de-tumble the satellite and reduce its spinning rate to less than 5deg/sec using the magnetic torquers.

A newer phone (Nexus S) running the Android 2.3.3 operating system, 4 Li-Ion batteries, solar panels, a router, and magnetic torquers that are used to de-tumble the satellite. Alexander has an accelerometer, a magnetometer, a gyroscope and a StenSat radio operating at 437.425 MHz.

Sources [1] [2]
Photo sources [1]
Keywords Android
Space photos PhoneSat 2.0a


On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu


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