OptiCube Satellites

Satellite OptiCube
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 2U
Organisation California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)
Institution University
Entity type Academic / Education
Country US
Launch brokerer Tyvak

Passive on-orbit target for calibration and orbital debris studies.


Provide on-orbit targets for ground assets to calibrate sensors for orbital debris studies and small-object tracking improvements Was produced as a back-up on short notice on request of the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office and the Air Force's Starfire Optical Range.

Sources [1]
Photo sources [1] [2]
Keywords Passive mass dummy

Related Spacecraft

Name Status Rocket Launch Orbit
OptiCube 1 (O/C, Optical CubeSat) Passive. Mass dummy. Atlas V 2015-05-20 360 x 700 km, 55 deg
OptiCube 2 (O/C, Optical CubeSat) Passive. Mass dummy. Atlas V 2015-05-20 360 x 700 km, 55 deg
OptiCube 3 (O/C, Optical CubeSat) Passive. Mass dummy. Atlas V 2015-05-20 360 x 700 km, 55 deg
OptiCube 4 (O/C, Optical CubeSat) Passive. Mass dummy basically. Atlas V 2016-11-11 580 km, 97.8 deg

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/erikkulu

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Copyright © 2014 - 2024 Erik Kulu

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