ODALISS Spacecraft

Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher Isar Spectrum
Organisation EMXYS
Institution Company
Entity type Commercial
Nation Spain

ODALISS nanosatellite platform, equipped with an innovative optical communications transceiver for Space-Earth links based on Emxys’ proprietary technology.


The ODALISS project arises from the need to improve data processing capacity in small satellites. ODALISS’ optical communication payload implements a two-way communication ground to satellite link with Infrared Laser.

The amateur channel will be available to the radio amateur community during pre-scheduled periods of time during which users will be able to communicate with the satellite. These periods will be sufficiently long daily to allow exploitation of the amateur satellite payload by the amateur community.

The OTD-1 mission (ODALISS Technology Demonstration - 1) seeks to offer a satellite amateur payload, designed in cooperation with Spanish Amateur Association. This is possible thanks to the goal of demonstrating the space platform and consequently, offering a dedicated payload to satellite amateur.

In addition, the ODALISS satellite platform will provide various communications links between the satellite and the ground station in order to test the functionality of the various units and subsystems that operate on board the satellite.

The launch is expected in the period Q3 of the year 2023. At the end of its useful life, the satellite will passivate entering a deactivation mode that will imply the disconnection of the batteries so that, at the end of the orbital period of the satellite, it enters the atmosphere disintegrating since the design has been made considering that no part will survive atmospheric re-entry.

The main transceiver system of the ODALISS_AMA will add a digital repeater functionality to the satellite radio to offer a "storeand- forward" service to the amateur public, so that the radio amateur community can make use of the satellite communications link using the repeater which will receive a radio signal at one end and re-transmit it on demand by telecommand using frames based on the AX.25 public protocol. Specifically, the transceiver (in repeater mode) will wait until the data (frames) sent by the radio amateurs arrive complete to be stored in memory and be forwarded on demand using the remote telecommands reserved for it. All the information and telecommands as well as the instructions to work with the digital repeater will be published and available on the company's web site before the satellite is launched.

We confirm that the purpose of the satellite is to offer a payload for communication links between satellite radio amateurs and the satellite. Specifically, we confirm the purpose of selftraining, intercommunication and technical investigations carried out by amateurs interested in radio techniques solely with a personal aim and without any kind of financial compensation. For these purposes, and due to the successful experience of Emxys collaborating with the radio amateur community in other past missions such as the UPMSat-2 (satellite of the Polytechnic University of Madrid), ODALISS_AMA main radio transceiver will add a digital repeater functionality on the TTC system.

Apart from the use of the on-board transceiver, users will be able to additionally download internal telemetry data from the satellite including data on temperature, attitude, etc. For this, the satellite includes a series of sensors and a GPS-based attitude control system and three magnetic inductors that will establish the position in the three X-Y-Z axes, generating a magnetic torque to control the attitude of the satellite. Using all these data, users will be able to selftrain in mission analysis theory and orbit and attitude determination of the satellite. Both, uplink, and downlink channels will not use any data encryption, so it will be available to the radio amateur community during pre-programmed periods of time during which users will be able to communicate with the satellite. Public telemetry, schedules and other predefined data from the satellite will also be publicly available for amateur use at the company’s web site. Art. 25 conditions of the RR will be observed. 

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Keywords Laser transmitter

Last modified: 2024-12-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

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