Name | NEE-02 Krysaor |
Spacecraft type | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 1U |
Status | Was operational until ? Was in hibernation in 2018, but expected to wake up at the end of year (Personal contact 2018-08-07) |
Launched | 2013-11-21 |
NORAD ID | 39441 |
Deployer | ISIPOD [ISISpace] |
Launcher | Dnepr |
Organisation | EXA (Ecuador Space Agency) |
Institution | Space agency |
Entity type | Government (Civil / Military) |
Nation | Ecuador |
Launch brokerer | ISILaunch |
Oneliner |
Educational training and demonstration of CubeSat platform technologies. |
Description |
Serving education and also acting as orbital sentinels watching for possible threats from small NEOs in last phase of atmospheric entry and helping to catalog orbital debris. Also it has the latest advances in active deployment of its solar arrays, high speed digital transmission and a higher resolution video camera. |
Sources | [1] |
Photo sources | [1] |
Space photos | |
On the same launch |
Last modified: 2024-09-06