MOESS Demonstrator Spacecraft

MOESS Demonstrator
MOESS Demonstrator
Satellite name MOESS Demonstrator (Miniaturised Orbital Electronic Warfare Sensor System)
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher not launched
Organisation DEWC Systems
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Headquarters Australia
Operator In-house?

Provide the first fully Australian developed, owned and operated space based Electronic Warfare capability.


The Miniaturised Orbital Electronic Warfare Sensor System (MOESS) project will involve a constellation of about 20 CubeSats fitted with a range of sensors and monitoring equipment to detect radio frequencies and signals such as radars to offer a view of ship and aircraft movements from above.

Phase 3 launch of a prototype into space pencilled in for 2022. oncept demonstrator in Phase 2 would involve building integrated systems to demonstrate that the technology would work. Sensors would be integrated into a CubeSat platform and would likely include Artificial Intelligence technology to identify and classify radars.

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Last modified: 2024-12-09

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Created by Erik Kulu


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