MCNAIR Spacecraft

Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 12U
Mass in kg 19.9 kg
Status cancelled
Entity name Akash Systems
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Headquarters US
Manufacturer AIVT by Blue Canyon
GS Service KSAT

Demonstrate 5Gbps+ downlink from a 10-Watt 3U radio transmitter.


Test own GaN-on-Diamond transmitter technology with a flight-proven software defined radio (SDR) in a compact form factor. Demonstrate the transmitter’s capability to handle more than five gigabits per second (5Gbps+) downlink speeds from a 10-Watt 3U radio transmitter. Simulation and ground-based lab tests have proven that the Akash GaN Transmitter is capable of transmitting data rates as high as 14 Gbps.

The Ka-band parabolic antenna has a 3 dB beamwidth of 2.2degrees and a gain of 36.2 dBi. The Akash GaN Transmitter will downlinkpre-configured test data over a single 1.2 GHz bandwidth channel in Ka-band (19.0 -20.2 GHz) to a 13.2 meter ES in Dongara, Western Australia. MCNAIR’s S-band TT&C SDR will receive telecommands from and transmit telemetry to a3.7mKSAT ES located in Svalbard.

Sources [1] [2] [3]
Photo sources [1]
COTS subsystems
  • PLATFORM - Blue Canyon
  • TRANSCEIVER - Blue Canyon S-band
Subsystems sources [1] [2]
Keywords Deployable parabolic antenna, Ka-band

Last modified: 2024-12-14

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Created by Erik Kulu


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