Satellite | MaRBLES (MeAsuring Radiation Belt Low Earth Sources/Sinks) |
Form factor | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 6U |
Status | cancelled |
Organization | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Institution | Space agency |
Entity type | Government (Civil / Military) |
Headquarters | US |
Oneliner |
Characterize sources and sinks of energetic particles in the radiation belts. |
Description |
Provide hands-on experience for all aspects of a small mission. Characterize sources and sinks of energetic particles in the radiation belts from a near polar low earth orbit focusing on microbursts measurements at high latitudes to supplement Van Allen Probe measurements at low latitudes and the CRAND source for the inner radiation belts. Provide flight heritage for instruments and instrument components. Advance our understanding of the terrestrial radiation belts by characterizing electron energization and loss in the outer Van Allen belt and measuring the cosmic ray albedo neutron source in the inner Van Allen belt. CREPT (Compact Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope) and SNUG (A Spectrometer for NeUtrons and Gamma-rays) in a highly inclined LEO orbit, to achieve these science goals. |
Sources | [1] |
Last modified: 2023-06-09