Spacecraft name | LISA-1 (LOOKUP, LeO Observation U-space Precursor, LISA1, TOUTATIS) |
Form factor | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 12U |
Status | not launched, expected in 2025 |
Launcher | Falcon 9, (Transporter-15) |
Organization | U-Space |
Institution | Company |
Entity | Commercial |
Headquarters | France |
Manufacturer | AIVT by U-Space |
Operator | U-Space |
Partners | Airbus Defense and Space, 3D PLUS, MBDA |
Oneliner |
Space environment monitoring service based on the development of a specially designed satellite to observe space debris and objects in orbit. |
Description |
Nanosatellite will enable the detection and monitoring of small space debris, directly from orbit. It will provide accurate and frequent information to reduce the risk of collision. This project paves the way for a future observation service using space sensors, as close as possible to the challenges. |
Notes |
Assuming LISA-1 and previous LOOKUP are the same satellite due to similar missions. Could be separate too. |
Sources | [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] |
Photo sources | [1] [2] |
Last modified: 2024-12-29