KOSEN-1 Spacecraft

Satellite name KOSEN-1
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 2U
Status Operational (Numerours CW beacon reception reports on Twitter as of 2021-12-29)
Launched 2021-11-09
NORAD ID 49402
Deployer J-POD (JAXA Picosatellite Deployer),?
Launcher Epsilon
Organization National Institute of Technology
Institution University
Entity Academic / Education
Headquarters Japan

Educational mission and demonstrate CubeSat platform technologies.

  1. We receive Morse CW signals on 21 MHz band with the onboard SDR and decoded call signs will be sent on 430 MHz downlink.
  2. We perform in-orbit test of newly developed attitude control system using dual reaction wheel mechanism.
  3. We perform in-orbit test of an on-board computer system consisted of Linux base microcomputer.
  4. We perform in-orbit expansion test of the 21 MHz half-wave dipole antenna for Morse CW signals reception and Jupiter’s millisecond radio bursts observation.
  5. We observe Jupiter millisecond radio bursts with the expanded HF dipole antenna and on-board SDR.
  6. We perform 360-degree Camera Unit test to take all-sky images with two fish-eye cameras.
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On the same launch

Last modified: 2023-06-09

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/erikkulu

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