JY1-SAT Spacecraft

Spacecraft name JY1-SAT (JY1SAT)
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Status Semi-operational? Was operational until 2021-05-01? (Last SatNOGS report with photos 2021-05-01. Newer packets seem short and CW beacons seem gibberish. Last checked on 2023-06-10)
Launched 2018-12-03
NORAD ID 43803
Deployer QuadPack (XL) [ISISpace]
Launcher Falcon 9 (Spaceflight SSO-A, SHERPA)
Organization Crown Prince Foundation
Institution University
Entity type Academic / Education
Nation (HQ) Jordan
Nation (AIT) Netherlands
Manufacturer AIVT by ISISpace
Launch brokerer ISILaunch
Partners The Royal Jordanian Radio Amateur Society (RJRAS)

SSTV transmitter for radio amateurs and educational training.


Carry a linear inverting transponder for radio amateurs around the world to operate, it will also broadcast SSTV images periodically, and the content of these images will reflect the Jordanian culture and its historical heritage. The project also aims to build up space capability related to CubeSat technology in Jordan.

The project is conducted in collaboration with AMSAT-UK, developing a customized version of the FUNcube payload with the purpose of being able to downlink images of Jordanian landmarks and a voice recording of HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah of Jordan.

Sources [1] [2] [3]
Photo sources [1] [2] [3] [4]
Keywords First CubeSat of country
On the same launch

Last modified: 2023-06-10

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
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