IceCube (Earth-1) Spacecraft

IceCube (Earth-1)
IceCube (Earth-1)
Name IceCube (Earth-1)
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status Reentry 2018-10-03. Was operational (Official presentation during Smallsat)
Launched 2017-04-18
NORAD ID 42705
Deployer NRCSD (NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer) [Quad-M]
Launcher Atlas V
Deployment Deployed from ISS on 2017-05-16
Entity name NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Institution Space agency
Entity Government (Civil / Military)
Nation US
Launch brokerer Nanoracks
Partners Virginia Diodes, NASA Earth Science Technology Office

Demonstrate 883-gigahertz submillimeter-wave receiver to measure atmospheric ice.


Demonstrate and validate a new 883-gigahertz submillimeter-wave receiver that could help advance scientists’ understanding of ice clouds and their role in climate change. IceCube will lead to the development of an instrument capable of providing an accurate daily assessment of the global distribution of atmospheric ice.

Knowing this distribution will help scientists describe the linkage between the hydrologic and energy cycles in the climate system. Ice clouds ultimately are a product of precipitating cloud systems and dramatically affect Earth’s emission of infrared energy into space and its reflection and absorption of the sun’s energy. To this day, the amount of atmospheric ice on a global scale remains highly uncertain.


Deployed from ISS on 2017-05-16. Not to be confused with the failed ICECube 1 and 2 nanosatellites.

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Photo sources [1] [2]
On the same launch

Last modified: 2023-06-09

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Created by Erik Kulu


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