Spacecraft | FUNcube-1 (AO-73) |
Type | CubeSat |
Units or mass | 1U |
Status | Operational (Last SatNOGS report with telemetry from 2023-06-08 as of 2023-06-08) |
Launched | 2013-11-21 |
NORAD ID | 39444 |
Deployer | ISIPOD [ISISpace] |
Launcher | Dnepr |
Organisation | AMSAT-UK |
Institution | Non-profit |
Entity | Government (Civil / Military) |
Nation | UK |
Launch brokerer | ISILaunch |
Partners | Radio Communications Foundation |
Oneliner |
Educational and amateur radio mission linear transponder. |
Description |
Sources | [1] |
Photo sources | [1] [2] |
On the same launch |
Last modified: 2024-05-28