FSI-SAT2 Spacecraft

Spacecraft FSI-SAT2
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher Epsilon, ?
Organisation Happy Science University
Institution University
Entity Academic / Education
Headquarters Japan
Operator In-house?
Partners Future Science Research Institute

Educational mission with a camera and to test spacecraft platform technologies.

  1. Camera image is downlinked by Slow Scan Television. The camera takes a photograph of the Earth. Image pixel size is 320x240. The photograph taken is converted into analog SSTV signal, transferred to Communication (hereinafter called "COM") , and sent by FM-SSTV downlink.
  2. Earth observation by multispectral camera Wavelength: B(446nm), G(532nm), R(646nm), NIR(750nm) Resolution: 752pixel×480pixel Observation range : 423km×270km Surface resolution: 562m×562m Size: 0.5U
  3. Operation demonstration of the unitization (packaging) of bus equipment for CubeSat installation
  4. Laser reception experiment Laser uplink from ground station by infrared remote-control method

One of the missions of FSI-SAT2 is "Downlink of Earth Images by SSTV" by amateur radio. First, the satellite will be attitude controlled to point the onboard camera to the earth, and then the camera will take pictures and save the images to the SD card. After that, the stored images are converted to SSTV audio signals using the DDS (Direct Digital Synthesizer). When a DTMF request signal for SSTV transmission from a general amateur radio station is received, the satellite responds to the DTMF signal and downlinks the SSTV audio signal. This DTMF request signal is published on the Web page in advance, and general radio amateurs can send this DTMF request signal so that they can receive the SSTV signal from the satellite at any time. The SSTV audio signal received at the ground station can be transferred to a PC and decoded into an image using the installed SSTV conversion software to receive a picture of the earth taken by the satellite. The SSTV can be converted using free software available on the Web, and the download link and instructions for using the software will be posted on the FSI-SAT2 Web page along with the mission overview. FSI-SAT2 will be operated for the purpose of education and technical study, and at the same time, its functions will be released to general radio amateurs, which is in line with the public interest and public nature indicated in the amateur service.

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Last modified: 2023-12-16

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Created by Erik Kulu

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