Foras Promineo Spacecraft

Spacecraft name Foras Promineo ("Foras Promineo")
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher not launched, (ELaNa 52)
Deployment Deployed from ISS on 2024-12-09
Organization Perkins Local School District
Institution School
Entity Academic / Education
Country US
Launch brokerer NASA CSLI / ELaNa

Education mission where the payload is a dynamic game that will inspire, engage, and educate the public.


Education mission where the payload is a dynamic game that will inspire, engage, and educate the public. The gameplay is in the style of a robotics competition game, with a robotic arm that must capture and place balls into targets as quickly and accurately as possible. The arm acts autonomously based on programs that can be submitted by the public for upload to the payload computer.

The goal of the Foras Promineo (Latin for "outreach") mission is to inspire engage and educate the public in space and space technology through gameplay on a space based platform. The satellite carries a game with a robotic arm that is able to manipulate game pieces. the robotic arm will play games autonomously using uploaded code provided by operators and students worldwide or it can be controlled in real time during ground station contacts.

Sources [1]

Last modified: 2024-12-29

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Created by Erik Kulu


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