exactView-9 Satellite

Spacecraft name exactView-9 (EV-9, EV9)
Type Nanosatellite
Units or mass 5.5 kg
Status Operational? (Lack of recent reports, but was operational when sold to Myriota in March 2020, but eoPortal is claiming end of life at 2020-09-28, exactly 5 years since launch. Assuming it still operational as of 2023-06-09)
Launched 2015-09-28
NORAD ID 40936
Deployer XPOD GNB (Experimental Push Out Deployer) [UTIAS/SFL]
Launcher PSLV
Organization ExactEarth
Institution Company
Entity type Commercial
Country Canada
Manufacturer AIVT by Space Flight Laboratory
Operator Space Flight Laboratory
Launch brokerer Space Flight Laboratory (UTIAS-SFL), ?
Partners University of Toronto, FedDev Ontario, Communitech

Operational mission for AIS messages to detect ships.


Next generation Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiver for high ship-detection rates, and a high speed downlink transmitter for high data volume transfers. The satellite is designed to operate in a low inclination orbit to service some of the more remote and not-as-well covered areas of Earth.

In March 2020, EV 9 was sold to Myriota to provide initial service for their IoT communication constellation.

Sources [1] [2] [3]
Photo sources [1]
Keywords AIS
On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

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