Name | AISSat-3 |
Form factor | Nanosatellite |
Units or mass | 7 kg |
Status | Launch failure |
Launched | 2017-11-28 |
NORAD ID | Launch failure |
Deployer | XPOD GNB (Experimental Push Out Deployer) [UTIAS/SFL] |
Launcher | Sojuz-2-1b |
Entity name | Norwegian Space Centre |
Institution | Space agency |
Entity | Government (Civil / Military) |
Nation (HQ) | Norway |
Nation (AIT) | Canada |
Manufacturer | AIVT by Space Flight Laboratory |
Launch brokerer | Space Flight Laboratory (UTIAS-SFL), ? |
Partners | Norwegian Space Centre, Kongsberg Seatex AS, Kongsberg Satellite Services AS, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) |
Oneliner |
Operational mission of AIS messages collection. |
Description |
Upgraded Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiver for improved ship detection rates. Given the great success of AISSat-1, the completion of the AISSat-2 satellite, and the need for at least three operational space-based AIS assets, Norway initiated the AISSat-3 project. All three AIS satellites working in tandem will increase coverage, shorten revisit times, and provide natural redundancy for space-based AIS observation under direct control by Norway. |
Notes |
20x20x20cm. Funded by the Norwegian Space Centre |
Sources | [1] |
Photo sources | [1] [2] |
Keywords | AIS |
On the same launch |
Last modified: 2023-06-03