Terran Orbital logo
Name Terran Orbital (Tyvak)
CubeSat Bus/Platform
Launch Provider / Brokerer
OBC (On-Board Computer)
Insurance Service
CubeSat Deployer / Dispenser
Constellations IoT / M2M
Building a constellation of best-in-class nanosatellites that will form an unprecedented data infrastructure in space.
Status: Cancelled
Constellation page at NewSpace Index
Nation US, Italy
Created 2011
Funding $136M+
Photos Terran Orbital Terran Orbital Terran Orbital
Photo source [1] [2]

Terran Orbital is a leading manufacturer of small satellites primarily serving the United States and Allied aerospace and defense industries. Terran Orbital provides end-to-end satellite solutions by combining satellite design, production, launch planning, mission operations, and in-orbit support to meet the needs of the most demanding military, civil, and commercial customers.


The company will be opening the world’s largest space vehicle manufacturing facility on Florida’s Space Coast at an investment of $300 million, it announced in September. The 660,000-square-foot facility will have the capacity to manufacture 1,000 complete satellites and over 1 million satellite components per year — a volume unheard of in the space industry.

Status Active in nanosatellites
Subcontractor for
launched nanosats
Subcontractor for
to be launched nanosats
Subcontractor for
cancelled nanosats

Last modified: 2024-05-18

Feel free to connect at any time.

Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/erikkulu

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Twitter: @nanosatellites

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NewSpace Index: newspace.im
Factories in Space: factoriesinspace.com

Copyright © 2014 - 2024 Erik Kulu