Name | Orbital Astronautics (Orb Astro, OrbAstro) |
Products Services |
CubeSat Bus/Platform Communications - S/X/Ku/Ka/E EPS (Electrical Power System) OBC (On-Board Computer) Battery Orbital Data Relay |
Constellations | Orbital Data Relay 3D Imaging 24-hour access to satellites through an optical data relay inter-link and RF ground link. Semi-autonomous satellite and constellation management and space traffic management for OrbAstro platforms. Status: Prototype development, Prototype(s) launched Constellation page at NewSpace Index |
Nation | UK |
Created | 2018 |
Funding | Yes |
Photos | |
Photo source | [1] [2] |
Oneliner |
OrbAstro (Orbital Astronautics Ltd) is a space technology company focused on compressing the upfront cost and lead-time to get from business idea to revenue generation, for companies utilising satellites. |
Description |
OBC contains an Ultrascale+ based OBC (4GB RAM, 256GB high-speed storage), full ADCS, reaction wheel controls, magnetorquer controls, star-trackers, camera interfaces, full SDR S-/X-band (up to 150Mbps), GPS, optical data link control & processing, and Kintex FPGA for heavy data-processing and AI applications. The baseline system provides a total processing power exceeding 2 TFLOPs. Fault tolerance (SEU and SEL protection) implemented on both hardware and software. Most of the systems are based on TMR for fault-tolerant logic. EDAC is implemented on all memory units. |
Notes |
Socials | |
Status | Active in nanosatellites |
Subcontractor for launched nanosats |
Own nanosats launched |
Last modified: 2024-12-31