Quub logo
Company name Quub (Mini-Cubes)
PocketQube Bus/Platform
CubeSat Bus/Platform
CubeSat Deployer / Dispenser
Educational Kit
Constellations Earth Observation
We are building a constellation of microsatellites to monitor our natural resources like water, coastlines, and forests. 
Status: Prototype(s) launched
Constellation page at NewSpace Index
Country US
Founded 2018
Funding Yes, ?
Photos Quub Quub
Photo source [1] [2]

We build and deploy microsatellites. But, we’re not a space company – not exactly. We’re a data company. Our micro-satellites gather valuable and timely data on the only home we’ve ever known in order to prepare for, prevent, and mitigate climate-related effects on our water resources, forests, crops, and air quality.


Following the PocketQube standard, our 3p satellite bus is a lightweight platform that can carry a small array of sensors suited for a single experiment, which makes it a great option for colleges or universities looking to build their first low-cost satellite. Challenger is capable of Earth observation, remote sensing, and multi-spectral data collection from Low Earth Orbit (LEO).

Quub’s custom expansion on the PocketQube standard, our 6p satellite bus offers about the same volume as a 1.5U Cubesat, but in a form that allows greater flexibility for non-standard circuit board design. Using Quub’s custom microcontroller boards, Aurora can support a load of up to 7 different sensor types, with up to 26 watts of onboard power. Our standard electro-optical (EO) package starts with a multispectral (Near-IR to UV) telescope with between 5 and 10 meters per pixel resolution to support remote sensing and anomaly detection. This design also supports a vacuum arc thruster for propulsion, which allows the satellite to adjust course, or to automatically deorbit in the event of system failure.

Employing an electronically triggered constant-force spring system, Quub’s Hyperion deployers will propel their cargo from the launch vehicle at about 1 meters per second. This standard deployer can hold PocketQube satellites in configurations including: one 6p unit, two 3p units, and multiple arrangements of 1p and/or 2p units.

Our tried-and-true 3U Cubesat bus offers significant flexibility, and is compatible with most standard Cubesat circuit boards and deployers. Supporting a power budget of 16 to 30 watts, Miranda works well as a more advanced educational platform capable of carrying multiple student experiments. Compatible with our vacuum arc thruster.

Status Active in nanosatellites
Subcontractor for
launched nanosats
Own nanosats
Own nanosats
to be launched
Own nanosats

Last modified: 2024-05-11

Feel free to connect at any time.

Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/erikkulu

Social Platforms

LinkedIn: Nanosats
Twitter: @nanosatellites

Sister Websites

NewSpace Index: newspace.im
Factories in Space: factoriesinspace.com

Copyright © 2014 - 2025 Erik Kulu