Orbitare logo
Name Orbitare
Constellations IoT / M2M
Personal satellite communication system in LEO for IP mesasging, email and file transfer to any location in the world.
Status: Prototype(s) launched
Constellation page at NewSpace Index
Country Switzerland
Established 2018
Funding $0.05M+

Orbitare was founded in 2017 under the observation that 60 years after Sputnik only a mere few thousand satellites are in operation, leaving the potential of Space largely underutilized.

  • Two missions of the in-orbit demonstrator of Spaceloop will go to orbit in April and June 2021 onboard Spire satellites.
    • In April 2021, Spire will host Spaceloop’s communication software on a software-defined radio (SDRs) on board one of the in-orbit Low Earth Multi-Use Receiver (LEMUR) 3U satellites in a unique approach to space that will allow Orbitare the early start of live communication tests.
    • By June 2021, Spire will fly Orbitare’s first full-duplex Spaceloop communications payload, developed also in cooperation with Orbitare, to showcase additional comms capabilities. The demonstration program will use Orbitare’s reference end-user terminals and a gateway located in Luxembourg. Spire will manage all satellite operations through its Missions Operation System and Orbitare will access the payload through an easy-to-use customer API.
Status Active in nanosatellites

Last modified: 2023-05-01

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/erikkulu

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NewSpace Index: newspace.im
Factories in Space: factoriesinspace.com

Copyright © 2014 - 2025 Erik Kulu