Entity name | Ramon Space |
Products Services |
OBC (On-Board Computer) Computing Unit (AI, Supercomputer, Processing Board) |
Nation | US, Israel |
Established | 2020 |
Funding | $17.5M+ |
Photos | |
Photo source | [1] |
Oneliner |
We develop New-Space hardware and software that work flawlessly in harsh space conditions. Ramon.Space builds space-resilient super-computing systems that bring cloud computing to space. |
Description |
Powered by its unique AI/ML processors, Ramon.space’s software-defined systems enable the realizations of earth-like computing capabilities in space. The company's proven technology is already deployed in space, and is used in many satellites and in more than 50 space missions across the solar system - with zero failures. |
Notes | |
Socials | |
Status | Active in nanosatellites |
Last modified: 2024-05-18