Exobotics logo
Name Exobotics
CubeSat Bus/Platform
Location UK
Founded 2018
Funding Yes, ?
Photos Exobotics
Photo source [1]

Our vision is to enable applications beyond Earth's orbit with a focus on mechatronics, materials & machine learning.

Status Active in nanosatellites
Subcontractor for
launched nanosats
Subcontractor for
to be launched nanosats

Last modified: 2023-06-06

Feel free to connect at any time.

Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/erikkulu

Social Platforms

LinkedIn: Nanosats
Twitter: @nanosatellites

Sister Websites

NewSpace Index: newspace.im
Factories in Space: factoriesinspace.com

Copyright © 2014 - 2024 Erik Kulu