Privateer logo
Name Privateer Space
Edge Computing
Computing Unit (AI, Supercomputer, Processing Board)
Constellations SSA (Space Situational Awareness)
In-Orbit Computing
Original SSA and space object detection approach was cancelled. The new product called Pono is a payload and does not seem to be a dedicated constellation.
Status: Cancelled?, Prototype(s) launched
Constellation page at NewSpace Index
Location US
Established 2021
Funding Yes

Privateer is creating the data infrastructure that will enable sustainable growth for the new space economy.


Data and intelligence platform Privateer Space is launching Crow’s Nest, a free and open collision risk assessment tool that seamlessly integrates into the Wayfinder application. The free, real-time satellite data fusion and debris visualization platform provides global transparency on space traffic. Crow’s Nest integrates NASA’s CARA (Conjunction Assessment Risk Analysis) tools for conjunction probability analysis. This will allow for better insight into data predicting if and when a collision will occur. 

We’ve combined the collision assessment capabilities of Crow's Nest with the data fusion power of Wayfinder —and we’re sending them to space. With Pono on board, managing collision avoidance can be a thing of the past. Free of the burden of SSA management, space operators can focus on their missions and customers.

Pono isn’t just about not crashing in space. Its on-edge compute and AI tasking capabilities allow operators to plug directly into the Wayfinder marketplace. That means instant, effortless ancillary revenue streams at no extra cost.

Status Active in nanosatellites
Own nanosats

Last modified: 2023-12-30

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Created by Erik Kulu


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