Kawa Space logo
Entity name Kawa Space
Constellations Earth Observation
Contracted AAC Clyde Space with launch in 2024 to d[emonstrate the technology for a future constellation of satellites, supporting Kawa Space’s existing ocean monitoring platform.](https://www.aac-clyde.space/articles/aac-clyde-space-wins-sek-16-1-m-satellite-order-from-kawa-space-2023-06-30-aac-clyde-space-ab-publ)
Status: Prototype development
Constellation page at NewSpace Index
Country India, Singapore
Founded 2019
Funding $0.6M

Critical Earth Observation Infrastructure for the New World. From tasking high resolution imagery to generating geospatial insights, we have it covered.

Status Inactive in nanosatellites

Last modified: 2023-12-24

Feel free to connect at any time.

Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/erikkulu

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Twitter: @nanosatellites

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NewSpace Index: newspace.im
Factories in Space: factoriesinspace.com

Copyright © 2014 - 2024 Erik Kulu