3D Plus logo
Company name 3D Plus (HEICO)
Camera / Imager
Nation US
Established 1957
Funding Yes, ?

3D PLUS has developed in the framework of its camera products development, and in collaboration with the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), an off-the-shelf highly miniaturized SWIR camera head for space applications. 


From the Rosetta mission (CIVA cameras) to Curiosity’s ChemCam Mast Unit, and more recently Perseverance’s SuperCam Remote MicroImager, 3D PLUS has a long history of providing highly miniaturized camera heads for space applications.

Following the successful development of its catalog off-the-shelf space camera heads family (4Mpx Visible — 3DCM734/3DCM739; 12 Mpx Visible — 3DCM800/3DCM828), with products already in space (SUPERCAM Instrument 1 , EyeSat’s Iris camera, DART mission’s LICIACube LEIA camera, all using the 3DCM734 4Mpx camera head) and selected in numerous future missions (NASA’s Mars Sample Return or PACE, multiple LEO high resolution imaging missions),

3D PLUS developed its new 3DCM830 camera head aiming to widen the range of applications its camera heads product line can target by providing Short Wave Infrared capabilities to its product line. This new development, based on an InGaAs Visible-SWIR sensor and on a high performance FPGA-based electronic architecture, bring a new SWIR solution for space applications.

Status Active in nanosatellites

Last modified: 2023-12-16

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/erikkulu

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